Thursday, May 31, 2012

Three Thoughts on Thursday

1. I love when HB smiles at me.  It makes my insides giggle.  It's even better when I've been talking to him for 20 minutes like he's a human, and he responds with a smile and then stretching out his paw to touch me.
2. Four days from right this moment I will be trying to sleep on a bunk bed somewhere in Fort Jackson, SC with an army green itchy wool blanket and 50+ other women in the same room.  Should I be freaking out a little?! Maybe, but kinda been there, done that with LTC.  Hoping 9 weeks go by quickly so I can get to some more normal sleeping quarters.
3. Hair dye smells funny.  Which is really weird, because I always feel like after I've finished dying my hair, it has the best smell ever.  Well, the boxes definitely come with the best conditioner ever.  Ohps!  Timer's up...time to rinse!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Pig's Ramblings

Dear Fudge Covered Oreos, You are so not included in a healthy and nutritious diet, but, man, oh man, YUM!
Dear Folks-on-the-Street-Behind-Us-Who-Leave-Your-8-Week-Old-Pup-Out-in-Your-Front-Yard-With-No-Leash, the next time that little, precious, teddy-bear-faced, baby boy pup starts to follow Mr. HB and myself home on one of our walks, I'm letting him come with us!!!  I can't even imagine what has possessed you to consistently leave him outside, alone, with no supervision when A) there is a nasty looking stray dog/half-coyote that thinks the cul-de-sac at the end of your street is totally his dominion, and B) we've previously knocked on your door to let you know your pup was trying to follow us home.  Please people, don't get pets if you don't want the responsibility!! (Ugh, getting off my soap box...)
Dear PFC Johnson, I know your days are long right now, and even when you're getting home at 8:30pm, you are bringing work home with you.  (I'm currently sitting in bed typing today's blog while listening to you mumble measurements to yourself while putting together your dress uni for so-called "death pictures" tomorrow.  (Ain't Army life grand folks?!)) But, nevertheless, you still took 10 minutes this evening, in the middle of all your responsibilities, to just hang out with me, to make me giggle, and cuddle me, and introduce me to a new silly game on your iPhone.  It's these moments that make you an amazing husband and best friend, and I can't thank you enough for them!
Dear MonkeyHubby, Every time I see the above picture of you in your child's monkey-head towel I smile, and I smile big.  I think I will definitely be printing this one out and tucking it in my Bible to have during basic.  Nothing can compare with a picture that makes your heart smile!

Do you have a favorite picture of your spouse/significant other?!  What were they up to?

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Amazing Long-Weekend-Get-Away

HubbyMonkey and myself retreated to beautiful Asheville, NC this past four-day weekend for a much needed respite.  We partook in a 17+ mile bike ride, toe-dipping in the French Broad River, early brew-filled dinners, an all-day estate excursion, our first wine tasting, Marble Slab cravings, the ultimate stair-master hike, all interspersed with giggles, heartfelt conversations, more love than we've focused on sharing in months, and kisses un-countable.  At the core, it was a relaxing, fun-filled reminder that we have an amazing marriage and a ridiculously strong bond that is not only a gift to be cherished, but something that can't be broken.  (I sound like a sappy-girl, but, God, I love him!!)

Monday, May 28, 2012

Memorial Day

Today is an important day.  We take a day off of work, we relax with family and friends, and we enjoy beautiful weather with whatever luxuries we choose.  (In our household, we'll be having BBQ chicken and cracking open a new bottle of wine we picked up on our long weekend in Asheville, yum!)  But, underneath it all, and for many, many military families out there, we try not to let the true purpose of today be forgotten.  We live everyday surrounded by the brave men and women who sacrifice, in so many ways, to serve a larger purpose. And even in our shoes, when you get used to the long weeks when your hubby is in the field away from touch and communication, you gain some callouses and forget about what it all really means.  What we all really stand for.  And, as many of our close family and friends have learned over the past week, those sacrifices are ever closer on our hearts today as we not only celebrate our brothers and sisters in arms who have made the true sacrifice, but as we prepare both for my shipping off to basic training next weekend and my husband's unit's rapid deployment to Afghanistan next month.  It's been a lot of information, thoughts, and emotions to soak up over the past week (when we learned the latter news), but, after a much needed weekend respite, we are finding our way back into our groove of tough skin and preparation.

Yet, during our last vacation activity early this morning, we panted and sweated our way up some 300+ feet of straight stairway to gaze on this beautiful reminder.  We paid our respects, we said our prayers, and we walked on.  God has blessed us, like so many others before us, with the strength to keep marching, and that is exactly what we plan to do.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Wednesday's Worries

Do you ever wish you could just shoot God a quick text message?  (I know HB gets what I'm saying!)  Some days I wish communication and relationship with Him were as easy and spilling my guts to Hurley Burley and then receiving his cuddling-comfort in return.  Nevertheless, life keeps rolling, and there's a lot of activity going on in our household in preparation for my departure on June 4.  Expected, but there's always something that pops up to make it a bit more stressful than expected, right?!  And I'm trying to turn my thoughts, and let go of my worries, in the right direction (up), but that has never been easy to do in my perfectionist-total-type-A-personality-pessimistic view on things.  Unlike my laid-back basset, and I don't want to admit to it, but I like to be in control, and I'm anything but in the driver's seat right now.  I know, logically, that everything will always work out, that the Big Man is always doing what's truly right, but emotionally I can't always manage to feel the things which I think and know.  Can I get an Amen?!

Here's to striving for my thoughts to control my emotions, not the other way around!
xoxo - AJ

Searching for some affirmations that comfort and you have any favorites?

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Pig's Ramblings

Dear Stopwatch, You made me quite happy today.  I mean, I did pretty much collapse onto the ground to try and catch my breath at the end of today's 2 miler, but still, a passing time?!  I wanted to see it at least once before I ship out and you gave me that success today, thanks!
Dear Army, You're just trying to make things really, really interesting, aren't you?!

It's not much, but I think that's all for today folks...

Monday, May 21, 2012

What a Weekend!!!

Well as most of our followers now, my time with my dearest Piggy is dwindling down, so we try to make the most out of the time we have before she leaves.  This weekend was another amazing one!  I was lucky enough to have a 4 day weekend again and we made the most of it.  Friday morning Piggy went and took her 1-1-1 PT test and blew it out of the water!  She makes me so proud!  Saturday we woke up fairly early and decided it was an adventure day, so we loaded up the bikes and took off to Raleigh for a day of shopping, eating, and riding the bikes.   We only rode 6 miles, but it was very hilly, so much that even my legs were sore and tired.  After the ride we walked around the mall for a bit then headed to the North Hills area for some lunch and shopping.  We had a wonderful sushi lunch at Mura, followed by shopping at the sporting good store and REI.  Sunday was another beautiful day so we took advantage and went for another ride, this time we upped the ante and rode 12.8 miles and Piggy did so good.  Then today to end the long weekend, we took Hurley to petsmart for a pawdacure and teeth brushing, then had an awesome lunch at 5 guys and brought home some cupcakes for dessert!  Well now its bed time, so I wish y'all a good night and Ill see you next time!

Saturday, May 19, 2012

His & Hers

His on the right; Hers on the left.  The late lunch afternoon reward of a hard, hilly 6 mile bike ride.
Dear Sushi Lunch, You rock!  His menu choice - tempura fried calamari appetizer.  Hers menu choice - crunchy salmon roll.  Such yumminess!

Dear British Antique Car Show, You were pretty darn cool to walk through.  I would've loved to hop in and take many of your entries for a test drive.  His car of choice would be the crazy DeLorean, Hers car choice, or choices, would be...Triumph's, MG's, Shelby Cobras, Mini Coopers, Porsche's, all old-school original-style?! How can a gal really pick just one?
Dear MonkeyHubby, Thanks for an awesome spontaneous Saturday!  Waking up and whispering sweet nothings in my ear about beautiful bike rides in ravishing Raleigh is just what this girl loved hearing today.  Topping it off with a great lunch, some walking and window shopping?!  Even better.  Love these days.

On a side note his and hers of the readership world - I totally kicked butt on Friday's 1-1-1 PT test.  Run an 8:00 mile?! Why, yes, I think I did!  Wha! Wha!

G'nite all!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Pig's Ramblings

Dear Right Knee, You really need to kick it in gear and drop this kneecappain act you've got going on.  I've been down for the count all week trying to give you a rest, but even a slow (and I cannot emphasize this word enough as the thought of today's pace just angers me) interval run/walk this morning to test you out was crappy.  Just crappy, I say!  I even put a brace on you!!  Which unfortunately, I can't do tomorrow morning at 1000 when I have to take a 1-1-1 PT test.  Seriously, dude, you need to man up and get yourself together!
Dear HB, You are my constant loverdog, wonderdog, comfortdog, gigglerdog, cuddlerdog.  On some days I really don't know what I'd do without your warm tootsies grabbing my legs and your soft ears grazing my lap.
Dear MonkeyHubby, Well, as you know, last night wasn't uberpleasant.  And tomorrow probably won't be the best either.  But, as much as I don't want to admit it, and don't want it to even be true, you're right.  It's not terrible.  Even though the devil wants to make me feel like it is terrible.  I guess just like my knees need to grow some bigger balls, I need to keep growing some bigger faith.  I'll never stop loving you...

xoxo - Pig

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Wonderful Lazy Weekend

I love surprise 3-day weekends!  PFC Johnson had Monday off and it just made for a great weekend, filled with fun, laziness, and just some awesome quality (and quantity!) time together.  (We aren't quite sure exactly why he had Monday off, but by golly we'll take everything we can get with just at 20 days left before I ship out.)  We did a lot, and did a lot of nothing, but are thankful for all of it... Amazing Friday dinner date  at Blue Moon Cafe downtown, filled with talk the whole time.  (Once you've been married almost four years, together seven-esque, you'll realize how rare it actually is to talk through an entire dinner date, haha!) MonkeyHubby clean mowed lawn.  Tons of time for foot cuddles and reading/video-game-playing. Enjoying Johnny Depp's latest, Dark Shadows (with a box of yummy Raisinets, of course)!  Monkey burrow-napping on the couch.  Homemade waffles on Sunday morning.  A beautiful 6 mile bike ride.  Panera lunch dates.  Weekly grocery shopping (which always seems to give MonkeyHubby a headache...).  And home-cooked dinners each night.

Nevertheless, my days feel all ruffled up...Saturday felt like Sunday, Sunday felt like Friday, Monday felt like Sunday.  What day is it today?!  Oh yea...

Happy Tuesday dudes - let the week really begin!

Is grocery shopping as much a hassle for any of you as it is for us?!  The commissary on base seems to be always crazy busy.  We went around 1230 yesterday (Monday) afternoon, thinking we might find a respite from the crowds, but it was the busiest we'd seen it yet, and by the time we finally got checked out and left, MonkeyHubby had a nasty headache.  Any suggestions fellow food-eaters??

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Reflecting on Big Accomplishments

Checking my FB stream today has left me bombarded by pictures and posts and words of great pride and congratulations as so many friends and acquaintances are graduating grad school, receiving doctorates, completing seminary, and becoming fresh-faced lawyers today.  Whoa Momma!  There is so much hard work and great accomplishments being recognized today!  You GO ladies and gents!  I wish each and every one of you the massive amount of success and pride you should feel today in all of your accomplishments!  I think I'll have a glass of wine or two to celebrate for each of you!

I am always amazed at the people around me who dedicate themselves to hard work and education and continual growth.  It takes so much commitment and sacrifice to reach such high levels of education and professionalism, it is quite inspiring. And with these thoughts and feelings running through my head, I can't help but reflect on the journey that I will be beginning in less than 30 days.  It will be a year of raw education, a year of being broken and rebuilt, a year of sacrifice, never without a bit of suffering, and a year of trials.  But at the same time it will be an amazing journey, a year of learning more about myself than I've ever learned, a year of bettering myself, a year of understanding and, more than anything, accepting what I am truly made of, and who I am truly made to be.  I hope, and pray, that a year from now, I too will be celebrating the biggest graduation of my life.

Congrats!  Good Luck!  Keep Inspiring!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Nighty Nighttime

Who doesn't love a freshly made bed, with brand new clean cool to the touch sheets?! Even HB tried not to dirty them up as he laid at the foot of said freshly made bed.  (Although, this didn't last very long, he's currently curled up right next to me slowly heating up my cold sheets.)

And my favorite part of nighty-nighttime, a cold, crisp glass of chocolate milk.  I had this sweet-tooth obsession all through college (started by a very good old friend, my B2D), where I would have a bowl of ice cream every night before I went to bed.  No kidding at all.  E.V.E.R.Y.  N.I.G.H.T.  Eventually I even upgraded to sundaes, or, one of my favorites, the Drumstick.  And, true to the piggy in me, I'd even sometimes eat two!!  Ugh, right?!  Anyways, as I've gotten older, and the fat in ice cream stopped burning off my hips as easily, I had to switch over to something a tad healthier: 2% low fat chocolate milk.  I wonder how on earth I'll satisfy this nighttime sweet-tooth when I hit 30?!

The only thing that could make this evening better?  If MonkeyHubby were here for cuddles instead of off playing ArmyRadioMan.

What's your favorite bedtime munchie?

Cuddlin' with the HB...

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Pig's Ramblings

Well, hellooooo, New New Balance 730 Series Running Shoes!  After our first run together this afternoon, I think the hour-esque I spent trying on every kind of running shoe under the sun at Dick's yesterday, to finally settle on you, was totally worth it.  I feel that you strike that perfect balance between the NB Minimus and the Nike Free...a little bit softer feel running on the road, but not a huge decline from heel to forefoot.  I put two miles on you today, hopefully you'll survive through a "few" more pre-basic.  Although, I was a smart cookie and bought a second pair of you so I'll have spotless soles to show the Drill Sgt's upon arrival!  My only complaint?!  Your laces seem a little cheap-o, I think I'll be switching those out soon.
Dear Soldier-Self, Congratulations on the awesome improvement you made on your one mile run time today!!  About a week ago you kicked Insanity to the side to start working on your running again and started off with a 9:45 mile and the desperate desire to do nothing but walk afterwards.  Well, today, you kicked butt with an 8:59 mile and, after a 1/4 mile walk to A) catch your breath because that was a doozie and B) make sure your brand new shoes weren't causing any foot-troubles, you were able to jog another mile without stopping.  You rock!
Dear MonkeyHubby, Your excitement over a Confetti Cake DQ Blizzard last night was intoxicating.  Although, your choice of the largest size cup they offer, meant that once we cuddled onto the couch for our traditional Tuesday Gibb's indulgence, you couldn't keep your eyes open for more than 50 seconds.  The 5-year-old in you always makes me wish life was simpler!

So, Dudes and Dudettes, What sweet-treat inspires the 5-year-old in you??

Celebrating the Little Accomplishments!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

An Afternoon Whiskey-Alpha-Lima-Kilo with Old Man HB

Every afternoon I like to spend some quality time with my Mr. Hurley Burley.  We go on a nice long Whiskey-Alpha-Lima-Kilo, around the neighborhood.  (We can't say "walk" or HB gets way too excited!)  HB gets a good work-out and enjoys all the smells, while I get to be on my feet, getting some slow-paced exercise, as well as working on my tan. ;)  Either way, we thought you'd like to share our walk with us today...

The cutest little, blue-sky, green-grass, no-sidewalk, rural-esque neighborhood that we live and Whiskey-Alpha-Lima-Kilo in.

And we're off!  HB leads the way with his momma in tow.

"Ohhh, nnrrro!  I see something ahead, what on this animal-planet can it be?!"

"Nose to the ground.  We will figure this mystery out!"

Meanwhile...Momma is way more interested in the activity in the skies!

Of course, HB is totally oblivious to the paratroopers now falling from the sky.
"I can still smell it...c'mon mom, we gotta move faster!"

Finally, as usual, we round the last corner and make it back home.  "Hurley, do you wanna hang out in the front yard and play?!"
"Heck no!  I can't stop panting...let's go into the A/C."

"Thanks mom.  It's totally nap time!"

And yes folks, it's nap time in the Johnson household!

Monday, May 7, 2012

Oh Monday!

Dear Happy Johnson's, If only we could freeze-frame life and stay in those lazy, happy, don't-want-to-get-out-of-bed-today, moments that seem so fleeting in the midst of a busy life!
Dear King Size Bed, I've discovered this weekend that you are perfect for front rolls and somersaults, and obviously the kid inside of me!
Dear Feet, I am having the hardest dilemma deciding what style of shoes I should house you in for basic training.  I've been running for the past few months (as regularly as my schedule has allowed), in New Balance Minimus shoes.  However, my first instinct knowing the intensity I'm bound for at Fort Jackson, SC,  is to get a shoe that's a bit more supportive, but not so stiff it feels restrictive after months of so-called foot-freedom.  Something like a Nike Free, thinking that a little more cushion and padding will make my feet happier, especially, since they will inevitably be getting torn up by combat boots.  But, at the same time, I wonder if some of my subsided joint pain is due to the minimal "natural stride" style shoes I've been wearing recently...or maybe it's just due to a more consistent work-out routine.  Can you hear my confusion?!
Dear Mom's Day Cards,  You're coming together nicely and should be ready to sign tonight, and ship out tomorrow.  I'm actually quite surprised that I really like all three of you this year!  Usually, I have a clear tier of favorites, but this year I can't even decide!
Dear MonkeyHubby, I know I'm getting more and more selfish about my time with you the closer I get to disappearing for a year.  I totally appreciate your patience in this arena, and am enjoying the extra time I'm getting to spend by your side.

What is your running shoe fave/pref and why?

Happy Monday dudes and dudettes!

Saturday, May 5, 2012


Well its finally the weekend, and for those who read this know that its been a rather looooong week.  My, Mr. Monkey, worked all week on getting my GRF (global reaction force) packing list completely done.  This included two layouts, multiple house of packing and unpacking and almost another $100 spent on stuff.  This layout was the brain child of our new SGM to see how prepared his battalion was should we get called.  The layout was scheduled for 1300 on Friday afternoon, and you guessed it, SGM wasn't there at 1300, nor 1400 or ever 1500.  Finally just after 1600 our 1SG came out and did the layout for us.  

There is a ton to do this weekend, most important of which is to hang out with my lovely wife Mrs. Piggy!!  It always amazes me how well she puts up with my long hours at work and some of the stupidity that my job entails.  Then we also have to go pick out a frame for the awesome nativity scene she made out of paper for my mom, which means Target shopping!  We both love that place.  While were out I might drag Mrs. Piggy to an afternoon movie date, to make up for my tiredness last night. Then Sunday will be the catch up on the house work that I put off on Saturday to hang out with Piggy.  I gotta mow the lawn, pick up all my army mess, clean the tub, some laundry and clean my kitchen.  Which its awesome that's all that needs to be done, because my awesome wife had done an amazing job keep most the house work done during the week.  

I'm not very excited about giving up my team leader spot to become the RTO aka radio man/PLT bi$%h.  I feel like I have worked my ass off to earn the things I have in my PLT, including that promotion that still hasn't shown up, and I am gonna lose my spot because some new SGT is coming to us and has to go into that spot.  Normally not a big deal, but they have already told me he has no light infantry time at all and will be learning as he goes.  I may only be a PFC, but I'm older, more mature than most and light infantry is all I've known in the army, I know my shit pretty well.  Well enough venting, the one upside to this is that I will learn a new skill set to have in my back pocket and to teach my Piggy when she gets back from training, cause even though our jobs will be very different, everyone uses radios!!

Well that's enough typing for me, I'm gonna go tend to my wonderful wife Mrs. Piggy now!  Thanks for listening.


Friday, May 4, 2012

Pig's Ramblings

Dear Runs-in-the-Sun, You make me sweat rivers.  But as long as progress keeps happening, you can bring on the floods!
Dear PFC Johnson, I wish the people you worked with (*cough* chain of command *cough*) was as anal about being on time as you are.  Especially on Friday afternoons when it's time for the weekend to start.
Dear Sirius Subscription, Apparently, you magically get more expensive each time you are deducted from my account, of course, without notifying me that you are increasing by almost $20.  Really?!  I'd love a bit more courtesy in the notice department if you wouldn't mind.

And a quick update...

Dear 7-Day Doubt Diet, I still like you, even after day five.  You are quite the challenge for worrisome little old me.  Though, you have given me quite a few tools to keep in my pack when it comes to conquering doubt, something I'm not sure I'll ever 100% accomplish, but something I think I can get better at each day.  So far, here are the tips you've shared with me (in my own words):

Day 1. Don't throw away your self-confidence,
Day 2. Replace your "AM" (Against Me) thoughts with "FM" (For Me) thoughts,
Day 3. Learn you "doubt-triggers" and reevaluate them from God's perspective,
Day 4. Write down a "concerns card" and give it to God, and finally for today,
Day 5. Discover and love your spiritual "natural body shape".

There was an amazing quote from today's reading that I just have to share:
"So, how well do you know the real you?  Have you ever taken time to think about what you like to do?  What personality traits, abilities, or experiences do you have?  What would make your heart come alive if you had the confidence and resources to do it?  Although it might feel self-seeking, it's actually God-seeking to take time to get to know the woman He created you to be." - Renee Swope

I so needed this encouragement when I read it!  I get so caught up in trying to do what the people around me need, to take care of the family, friends, and loves of my life, that I don't have a good grasp on who I am as a strong woman, a woman of God, and that is, most likely, a major source of my self-doubt issues. Thank you Renee, for writing such wonderful words!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Pig's Ramblings

Dear Nativity Characters, You've finally all come together!  I'm a huge paper-crafter and have been working this week on a nativity scene for my bio-mom-in-law and I finally finished the last few of y'all characters today. All that's left is to pick out the perfect frame for y'all to call home.
Dear Skies Above My Neighborhood, You provide the best entertainment while I'm out for my runs.  Today is was a circling Sherpa dropping itsy-bitsy paratroopers out your plane-butt.  (We have a drop zone just across the main road on the outer edge of our neighborhood.)
Dear Future Soldiers Online Classes, Today you really frustrated me by making me take my first aid test over, and over, and over again (yes, that was three times) and still not saving my score.  I will conquer you again next time I suppose.
Dear PFC Johnson, You're making a massive pile of Army-things in our living room floor again.  Wee for GRF layouts!
Dear MonkeyHubby, I know it's been a long week already.  But hump-day is coming to a close which means there's only two more sleeps until Friday and the start of a lazy weekend of spending some time just the two of us, much needed time at that.


Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Pig's Ramblings

Dear Morning Head-Cuddlers, Y'all are a tad weird.  But I suppose you can still call it cute...well, at least until y'all both start snoring!
Dear runs, You're getting a little better, but you still get me to doubt my abilities.  I guess I'll just keep hitting the pavement at least every other day and eventually you won't disappoint me as much.
Dear ship-date, Man!  You are getting closer each day.  Every time I think about you I get a little bubble of anxiousness in my tummy, for so many reasons...for leaving home behind, for the inevitable hard, hard work, for the craziness of what I've chosen, for the fear of failure. Gotta keep truckin' forward: " For the Lord your God is going with you!  He will fight for you against your enemies, and he will give you victory!" -Deuteronomy 20:4
Dear 7-Day Doubt Diet, Speaking as someone on Day 2, I think I like you.  Today's "Doubt Diet Tip" is to keep a thought journal of "AM" (against me) and "FM" (for me) thoughts, so that we can start to see where we cut ourselves down and learn to try and replace those thoughts with the way God sees and thinks about those things.  I'll go out on a-feelings-uncomfy limb and share my morning's AM thoughts that clouded me as I checked my massively overloaded AKO webmail: My brain, my self-doubt, likes to cut me down and tell me I'm insane for thinking I can be successful, yet alone complete all of the necessary training for the MOS I have chosen.  I shouldn't let myself think this way, but I do.  I should realize, and know deep down, that God sees me as a strong individual, who can truly do anything I really work for and put my mind to.  But I am only human, and these thoughts are hard to change!

What doubts do you guys strive to cut-out of your lives?

Cheers to the strong and beautiful...


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