Saturday, June 2, 2012

Getting Ready to Ship Out Pig Style

So, I've spent the last couple of days gathering all the stuff I need and getting ready for shipping off to basic training in...well, in less than 48 hours from now I'll definitely be sleeping in a bunk bed with an OD green wool blanket.  "What do you pack when you head to basic training?", you might ask.  Well, travel size bathroom essentials, a couple extra pairs of underwear and socks, a Bible, and, if you have a squared-away, slightly OCD hubby like myself, a baggie filled with name tapes, US Army tapes, US flag patches, and rank patches.  Therefore, I've packed about half of a backpack, and that's all folks!

On the other side of training prep, I've had to let go of a few things I normally always wear.  Contacts have been traded for glasses, my tragus piercing has come out (with hopes that it won't close up), and, oddly enough this one feels the weirdest, I removed my toe ring.  With some effort involved,and a bottle of Windex, of course.

I bought, and put on, the toe rings about two years ago at the State Fair of Texas, and haven't moved them an inch since.  Whenever I'm in flipflops or barefoot, I'm constantly using my big toe to spin them around on my next toe, and as I sit here chatting with you lovely internet readers this evening, my toe feels quite naked.  It's like there has been a divorcing of the toe and it's jewelry.  #momentofawesomebutawkwardsilenceplease But, alas, I'm sure my foot will get used to it's nakedness eventually.

On another, sadder note, this will probably be the last time you hear from me on our little blog for quite some time.  MonkeyHubby will I'm sure attempt his best to keep you updated as he prepares for deployment over the next few weeks, but, with all the late night's he's been working, we can't be 100% sure he'll have the time.  In that case, we have a very close, very trusted, and very loved friend who has offered  to pop in periodically during our absence and keep you all entertained and updated.  I'm sure he'll introduce himself at the right time, but let me briefly introduce you to Mr. Lindner.  Or, as I like to call him when I talk about him, Travie.  (I'm not even sure he knew I called him that until now!!)  He's desk-riding businessman int he wild west that is Houston, TX and has been a part of our little family since, well, before I was really a part of our little family.  Travie grew up playing baseball with MonkeyHubby and are those childhood friends that only movies can accurately portray.  Either way, if he does us the honor of popping by over the next few months, make sure and make him welcome!

I'll miss you all - see you on the flip-side, with a new camo wardrobe!

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