I met Kevin when I was 4 years old playing t-ball out in Irving and since then we have been much more than friends. Kev is my brother...there is no other way to say it, no other words can describe our friendship.
I don't mean to preach, but when I think about what my friends are doing, I get goosebumps and swear I hear Lee Greenwood off in the distance somewhere, singing softly. As a Fightin' Texas Aggie (c/o '08) I have always had a deep appreciation for the military and what they do for us. But I can honestly say that my friends have amplified this feeling inside me 1000%. I am so proud to call them family.
OK I am sure that Kevin would slug me in the arm right about now and tell me to quit being so sappy.
So in that spirit I will leave you with a final thought, one that will hopefully lead to me finding some sort of voice on this thing, because after all, I am a guest blogger! We all want to do something amazing, something that has never been done before (at least I know I do). We want to be remembered for something great. But maybe true greatness lies in the effort. Maybe we don't have to accomplish anything great to be remembered. Maybe all we have to do is try. Maybe, all that really matters, when our final tallies are added up, is that we dared greatly. Because then, even if we fail, we're blessed with truth and not cursed with "what-ifs".
Thanks and Gig'em
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