Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Lots to Say on this Happy Hump Day!

Dear Bad Boss, If you are going to rifle through my desk, my drawers, and my files while I am gone to lunch, you could at least ATTEMPT to tastefully hide your distrusting and controlling actions. (Side-note: You have frustrated me enough that the nagging frog-spasm in my left butt-cheek has returned.  NO thank you!)

Dear Leap-Day, You should have a chat with the powers-that-be about making yourself a national no-work, only-have-fun holiday.  I mean, you only grace us with your presence once every four years, we should celebrate you thus-ly!

Dear United States Weather Patterns, You are currently threatening my beautiful weekend from all directions!  From uber-winds in Fayetteville, to snow storms in Colorado, down to predicted thunderstorms in SC.  This does not bode well for the grand weekend that the this year's MS Challenge Walk could be.  Please clear up, it would be greatly appreciated by many more than just lil' ol' me!

And never the least, but lovingly last...

Dear PFC Johnson, Your energy and ability to keep moving forward, and giving everything you do all you've got, on SUCH little sleep, amazes me!  I am proud to know such a hard-working man, and a bit jelly of your seemingly endless drive.

Dear Monkey-Hubby, Thank you, thank you, thank you, for taking care of the hold-deposit for our new rental home!!  I know you're super-stoked and so am I, 23.5 days to go!


Tuesday, February 28, 2012

We're Approved!

We recently started checking out rental homes to try and find a more affordable, and more long-term-rental, living arrangement prior to my shipping off in June.  It's been a long, and sometimes frustrating process, trying to find a rental home that had the space we desired, was in a decent neighborhood, wasn't too old and rickety, but wasn't way outside of our budget know, all the fun give-and-takes that come along with trying to put a decent roof over your heads.

Well, last Friday night, I stumbled upon a true gem while I was searching online.  I did my best to not get my hopes up too high, because we'd been upset a handful of times already by misleading pictures online, or by houses that were still be advertised online, when in reality, they had already been rented out.  Saturday morning the hubs and I headed up to Re/Max to see if it was available.  It was!!  But low and behold, there was another couple interested in looking in it as well (not to mention a few other access hiccups because it was so newly available), so we were a bit nervous when we drove out to look around.  When we saw how perfect it was, we both sent up prayers that there would be no competition issues and that we could be blessed to get this house.  (I literally don't know that I'd seen Mr. Johnson as excited about anything in quite some time!!)

And guess what, the call may have come a day later than we were told it would come, but we got the house!  And the good news blessing comes just in the nick of time to lift our spirits, since we had a dose of unpleasant Army-reality bummer-type news yesterday.

I'm not a fan of feeling broke, but I do not at all mind the feeling when it means I'll soon get to let my dog, and myself, run lose in THIS backyard!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Three Thoughts for Thursday

Dear Head-Sickness, Please go away.  You are quite unwelcome.  C'mon Airborne, get to workin'!

Dear Red Bull, You secretly get me through stressful and sleepy afternoons.  I am quite grateful.

Dear Monkey, Thank you for a very welcomed interruption to a very frustrating morning at work.  Nothing better than a surprise lunch date to Will's Grill to include venting and lovey-doveys.  Although, I'm totally jelly of your day off tomorrow!  BUT, I am very much looking forward to shopping for a new study book Saturday morning and enjoying a lazy Sunday!

Kisses - AJ

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Stop! Drop! And Let Go of Those Thoughts!

One of the things Mr. Johnson and I are working on is really, truly opening up and being honest with each.  About how we feel personally, about how we make each other feel, and about struggles we each have but have neglected to open up about be it due to fear or embarrassment, or whatnot.  In that light, I came across this cute little quote-picture in my web-surfing today and decided to very openly share something I struggle with...

I do this a lot!  I think it's somewhat a 'woman' thing, but I know some men out there who do it, too.  But what's even worse for me, is that after I over-think something, I'll get frustrated at Monkey for not doing the same thing. What AM I thinking?!  I should really be jelly of the simplicity in which he sees the world, just as it is before him.  Therefore, that's my goal for the next few weeks, to see the world through Monkey's eyes.

Dear PFC Johnson, You still inspire me to be better!

xoxo, AJ

Monday, February 20, 2012

To God be the Glory

"Free your heart from hatred
Free your head from worries
Live simply
Give more
Expect less
And give God the glory"

Dear Mr. Youngest-Boswell, Thank you so much for posting something quite beautiful.  It's not an easy six lines to try and live by in this crazy world of the flesh, but, man, is it an amazing goal to strive for.

Dear Longest-Week-Of-My-Life, You will not crush me.  I will not let your professional-crazies seep hatred and anger into my private life.  Love will conquer.  With Monkey's help and support, I will crush YOU with the above sentiment!


Sunday, February 19, 2012

Setting out to Celebrate...Cheers!

"People who say that life is not worthwhile are really saying that they themselves have no personal goals which are worthwhile.  Get yourself a goal worth working for.  Better still, get yourself a project.  Always have something ahead of you to look forward to, to work for and hope for." - Maxwell Maltz

Dear Mr. Maltz, I think you've nailed it, and have helped further a revelation that is inspiring the creation of this blog.

After 6 1/2 years of being a couple, 3 1/2 years of being husband and wife, it's time for a revitalization, and that's my new goal.  In the past few years, my husband and I have gone through so many changes.  Somewhere between college graduations, our first full-time jobs, my husband's enlistment into the Army, a year of separation, a half-way-across-the-country move, and many sacrifices and compromises along the way, the excitement and celebration of love and life have gotten lost midst the mumble-jumble of the everyday grind.  And with another year of separation on the horizon as I enlist in the Army myself, I want to refocus on enjoying each other, sharing and supporting each other in our short-comings, and celebrating our triumphs and togetherness.  Hopefully this blog will be a place that I can brag about all that we have and all that we are, together and individually.

Today's Affirmation ---

Through all of the inconsistency and fluctuations over the years, there is one sweet little, loving constant, that just doesn't seem to be going anywhere.  Somewhere along the way my lint-picking, stray-dog-hair-removing hubby became my sweet Monkey, while my constant-snacking, food-loving self became his lovable Piggy (and believe me, no one else on this planet could get away with calling me that!!!).  They may be some of the oddest love-nicknames out there, but they are 100% uniquely ours.  No one else can claim them, no one else can share them.  When I hear them or use them, it is in the sweetest of ways...giggling sweet nothings in his ear, signing a short love note.  They make me smile, and always will.

Cheers for the Love of a Monkey and Pig!

xoxo - AJ aka Pig


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