About Us

SPC Johnson and myself have been married just over 4 years, together for 6 3/4, long distance for 4-ish, and crushing-in-love since we were, say, 13. :))  Our story is a project-in-the-making, and we are working hard to make it better everyday.  This blog came about as a way for us to refocus on celebrating that love, as well as a mutual place for us to share thoughts, feelings, and creative inklings our busy lives might otherwise stifle.

SPC Johnson, aka Monkey, keeps busy Monday - Friday, and some late nights, and some weekends, and whatever else magical times the Army deems necessary, as an 82nd Airborne Paratrooper.  He often jumps out of airplanes, cuddles with his buddies under a tarp in freezing weather, and enjoys the stress relief of a good day at the range.  He's currently off in Afghanistan, traversing unknown desert-mountain terrain while carrying way too much gear.  Actually, he says he's quite bored.  He should be home sooner than later, and we are way to excited for his homecoming!

I aka Pig, also wear the US Army uniform with great pride.  My current situation, however, has me sitting much more regularly than I would like while I nurse a broken pelvic bone and await what great job adventures the Army will bring for me.

When we're not busy being our professional-halves, we enjoy movies while cuddling on the couch, long walks with Hurley Burley aka HB (our loving old-man basset hound), yacking and typing away on separate laptops in bed together, Panera lunch dates, and testing the waters of the bicycling world (Monkey is quite the rider, having completed an MS150 in the past and loved it, while I am hedging my bets and hoping I don't run a pedestrian over while learning to share this new activity with my love).

Hopefully if you stop in to our blog, you'll find a little giggle, or a bit of inspiration, to help revitalize the love you have in your life, be it marital, familial, or just friendly!

Sending ALL the love!


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