Friday, August 31, 2012

Pig's Ramblings

Dear HurleyBurley, It was AH-mazing to see you last night and squeeze your neck.  Can't wait to spend some more time with you while I'm in Texas.
Dear Cheating Army Wives, Y'all are the worst representation of wives, ever.  I understand that your husband is gone for long periods of time. I understand that he works really hard and is tired and sometimes cranky when he comes home.  I understand that you make sacrifices, just like he does, for the Army.  But most of these sacrifices are made so that your husband can provide a better life for you.  Or at the minimum serve and protect a great country that provides you with a million opportunities each and everyday.  And then to go and betray all of that and to hurt a soldier in such a way... *insert face of disgust*
Dear MonkeyHubby, I'm so happy that our relationship is what it is and that it's getting better each day.  I feel blessed that we aren't what is turning into the Army "standard".  I pray everyday that we're reunited at the very beginning of your return window.  Can't wait to squeeze your neck and kiss your face!

My hugs and prayers go out to a good friend tonight...

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