Saturday, May 19, 2012

His & Hers

His on the right; Hers on the left.  The late lunch afternoon reward of a hard, hilly 6 mile bike ride.
Dear Sushi Lunch, You rock!  His menu choice - tempura fried calamari appetizer.  Hers menu choice - crunchy salmon roll.  Such yumminess!

Dear British Antique Car Show, You were pretty darn cool to walk through.  I would've loved to hop in and take many of your entries for a test drive.  His car of choice would be the crazy DeLorean, Hers car choice, or choices, would be...Triumph's, MG's, Shelby Cobras, Mini Coopers, Porsche's, all old-school original-style?! How can a gal really pick just one?
Dear MonkeyHubby, Thanks for an awesome spontaneous Saturday!  Waking up and whispering sweet nothings in my ear about beautiful bike rides in ravishing Raleigh is just what this girl loved hearing today.  Topping it off with a great lunch, some walking and window shopping?!  Even better.  Love these days.

On a side note his and hers of the readership world - I totally kicked butt on Friday's 1-1-1 PT test.  Run an 8:00 mile?! Why, yes, I think I did!  Wha! Wha!

G'nite all!


  1. I adore that first picture. And 8:00 mile?! uuuugh. I believe kick "ASS" is the word you were looking for. nicely done ... nicely done.

  2. A british antique car show?! That sounds so interesting! Sounds like a fun Saturday!



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