Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Pig's Ramblings

Dear Morning Head-Cuddlers, Y'all are a tad weird.  But I suppose you can still call it cute...well, at least until y'all both start snoring!
Dear runs, You're getting a little better, but you still get me to doubt my abilities.  I guess I'll just keep hitting the pavement at least every other day and eventually you won't disappoint me as much.
Dear ship-date, Man!  You are getting closer each day.  Every time I think about you I get a little bubble of anxiousness in my tummy, for so many reasons...for leaving home behind, for the inevitable hard, hard work, for the craziness of what I've chosen, for the fear of failure. Gotta keep truckin' forward: " For the Lord your God is going with you!  He will fight for you against your enemies, and he will give you victory!" -Deuteronomy 20:4
Dear 7-Day Doubt Diet, Speaking as someone on Day 2, I think I like you.  Today's "Doubt Diet Tip" is to keep a thought journal of "AM" (against me) and "FM" (for me) thoughts, so that we can start to see where we cut ourselves down and learn to try and replace those thoughts with the way God sees and thinks about those things.  I'll go out on a-feelings-uncomfy limb and share my morning's AM thoughts that clouded me as I checked my massively overloaded AKO webmail: My brain, my self-doubt, likes to cut me down and tell me I'm insane for thinking I can be successful, yet alone complete all of the necessary training for the MOS I have chosen.  I shouldn't let myself think this way, but I do.  I should realize, and know deep down, that God sees me as a strong individual, who can truly do anything I really work for and put my mind to.  But I am only human, and these thoughts are hard to change!

What doubts do you guys strive to cut-out of your lives?

Cheers to the strong and beautiful...


  1. ahhaha. love the head-cuddlers. and ... nice job on getting to day 2. i hope you still like day 3 and 4 ...

  2. I just found your blog and I call my husband Monkey (Monks, for short), too! Funny!
    I'm always trying not to doubt myself as a writer, because it's a field where you have to have confidence in yourself or no one else will. Good luck with Days 3-7!



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