Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Wednesday's Worries

Do you ever wish you could just shoot God a quick text message?  (I know HB gets what I'm saying!)  Some days I wish communication and relationship with Him were as easy and spilling my guts to Hurley Burley and then receiving his cuddling-comfort in return.  Nevertheless, life keeps rolling, and there's a lot of activity going on in our household in preparation for my departure on June 4.  Expected, but there's always something that pops up to make it a bit more stressful than expected, right?!  And I'm trying to turn my thoughts, and let go of my worries, in the right direction (up), but that has never been easy to do in my perfectionist-total-type-A-personality-pessimistic view on things.  Unlike my laid-back basset, and I don't want to admit to it, but I like to be in control, and I'm anything but in the driver's seat right now.  I know, logically, that everything will always work out, that the Big Man is always doing what's truly right, but emotionally I can't always manage to feel the things which I think and know.  Can I get an Amen?!

Here's to striving for my thoughts to control my emotions, not the other way around!
xoxo - AJ

Searching for some affirmations that comfort and you have any favorites?

1 comment:

  1. Y'all are truly my heros. Thank you for all that you do.



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