Friday, May 4, 2012

Pig's Ramblings

Dear Runs-in-the-Sun, You make me sweat rivers.  But as long as progress keeps happening, you can bring on the floods!
Dear PFC Johnson, I wish the people you worked with (*cough* chain of command *cough*) was as anal about being on time as you are.  Especially on Friday afternoons when it's time for the weekend to start.
Dear Sirius Subscription, Apparently, you magically get more expensive each time you are deducted from my account, of course, without notifying me that you are increasing by almost $20.  Really?!  I'd love a bit more courtesy in the notice department if you wouldn't mind.

And a quick update...

Dear 7-Day Doubt Diet, I still like you, even after day five.  You are quite the challenge for worrisome little old me.  Though, you have given me quite a few tools to keep in my pack when it comes to conquering doubt, something I'm not sure I'll ever 100% accomplish, but something I think I can get better at each day.  So far, here are the tips you've shared with me (in my own words):

Day 1. Don't throw away your self-confidence,
Day 2. Replace your "AM" (Against Me) thoughts with "FM" (For Me) thoughts,
Day 3. Learn you "doubt-triggers" and reevaluate them from God's perspective,
Day 4. Write down a "concerns card" and give it to God, and finally for today,
Day 5. Discover and love your spiritual "natural body shape".

There was an amazing quote from today's reading that I just have to share:
"So, how well do you know the real you?  Have you ever taken time to think about what you like to do?  What personality traits, abilities, or experiences do you have?  What would make your heart come alive if you had the confidence and resources to do it?  Although it might feel self-seeking, it's actually God-seeking to take time to get to know the woman He created you to be." - Renee Swope

I so needed this encouragement when I read it!  I get so caught up in trying to do what the people around me need, to take care of the family, friends, and loves of my life, that I don't have a good grasp on who I am as a strong woman, a woman of God, and that is, most likely, a major source of my self-doubt issues. Thank you Renee, for writing such wonderful words!

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